Monday, January 23, 2012

2012 is already rocking!

We are three weeks into the new year and I've been sticking to my daily checklist (pretty closely - no one's perfect!) of following up with past and current customers to keep on track for my annual goal. The response has been very positive. I've already got a new a client and a few new projects.
Plus - it's very encouraging and therefore keeping me in a good forward-moving momentum!

Trust yourself and your decisions, it only increases your confidence!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Reminder: Format your emails so they are easy to read and follow

Your email program more than likely allows you to indent paragraphs and bold words for emphasis.
Take advantage of your program's formatting tools. Experiment. But keep it simple.
  • Don't type in all caps if possible; it's considered yelling.
  • Avoid dark backgrounds with light type (yes, just like on web sites)
  • Use an easy-to-read font. Stay away from scripts unless you are using it for one or two words.
  • I keep emails from people that I think are effective so that I can learn from them.
  • Keep it short too - if you want a reply within a reasonable amount of time. (you don't leave long voice mail messages, do you?)
We all communicate with email a lot more than we used to, so keep these tips in mind.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Valuable tips - especially this one - Keep web site simple

I love these daily tips from Manta. This one is especially helpful and reminds me that I'd like to eliminate Flash from my web site.

Time is a precious commodity these days. More than ever before, website visitors are looking for a solution to their problems in a quick and timely manner. They don't have time to dig. So keep your web copy concise and to the point using short paragraphs, bulleted lists and bold text to highlight items of importance.